Bridging the Gap Between Citizen Benefits and Bankable Investments of Smart Cities

11 Apr 2023
Venturous Group
Bridging the Gap Between Citizen Benefits and Bankable Investments of Smart Cities

Imagine a city that's not only futuristic but also environmentally-friendly, promotes seamless mobility, fosters social integration and harnesses the power of technology. This is the vision of a Smart City, often hailed as the city of the future. In the eyes of KC Tay, Executive Director (ASEAN) of Smart Cities Council, Smart City is more than just a concept; it's a transformative endeavour aimed at enhancing the overall quality of life, both socially and economically. The rise of Smart Citytech is a perfect example that has opened up a world of possibilities, creating a wealth of opportunities for businesses and entrepreneurs to thrive in this exciting domain. In Asia, Smart Cities are seen as the center of the fourth industrial revolution, projected to adding trillions of dollars of economic value over the next decade.

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